International Journal of Infertility & Fetal Medicine

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VOLUME 15 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2024 ) > List of Articles


Effects of Maternal Electronic Cigarette Smoking vs Tobacco Cigarette Smoking on Fetal Lung Development: A Narrative Review

Marianne J Padamadan, Aishwarya Nair

Keywords : Abnormal lung function, Effect of cigarette on lungs, Electronic cigarette, Electronic smoking, Fetal lung development, Maternal smokers, Pulmonary function, Tobacco cigarette

Citation Information : Padamadan MJ, Nair A. Effects of Maternal Electronic Cigarette Smoking vs Tobacco Cigarette Smoking on Fetal Lung Development: A Narrative Review. Int J Infertil Fetal Med 2024; 15 (2):108-111.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10016-1344

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 28-10-2024

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2024; The Author(s).


Background: Smoking during pregnancy is a major risk factor, as it causes abnormal fetal lung growth. Lately, there has been a significant rise in electronic cigarette (e-cigarette) smoking. E-cigarettes have become an alternative method to regular tobacco cigarette smoking. E-cigarettes are devices that deliver nicotine in doses and also contain different flavors, propylene glycol, and vegetable glycerin. Tobacco smoke consists of many compounds, including nicotine. Maternal smoking leads to various gestational problems. The development of the fetal lung undergoes several morphological stages. From that, the fetal lung gets exposed to tobacco smoke and e-cigarette smoke, which can impair lung development, immune response, and cause wheezing. Methods: This topic was derived from articles that were searched and screened using the following evidence: PubMed, Google Scholar, and Sci-Hub. Result: This study review is conducted to provide an overview of the effects of e-cigarettes vs tobacco cigarettes on fetal lung development. Based on evidence from articles, nicotine serves as a mediator between e-cigarettes and conventional cigarettes. Smokers often perceive e-cigarettes to be the safer option between the two. However, they are quite addictive due to their nicotine content, and vaping persists even during pregnancy, leading to respiratory disorders in offspring. Conclusion: Hence, the study shows that e-cigarettes and regular tobacco cigarettes have a pathological influence on the fetus.

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