Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on Psychological Well-being in Infertile Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial
Zahra Marashi, Nasser Behroozi, Mohammad H Haghighi-Zadeh, Roshan Nikbakht, Zahra Abbaspoor
Citation Information :
Marashi Z, Behroozi N, Haghighi-Zadeh MH, Nikbakht R, Abbaspoor Z. Effectiveness of Cognitive-behavioral Therapy on Psychological Well-being in Infertile Women: A Randomized Controlled Trial. Int J Infertil Fetal Med 2021; 12 (2):25-30.
Background: Psychological well-being is a psychological variable that affects infertile women. This study aimed to explore the effect of cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) on the psychological well-being of infertile women.
Materials and methods: Sixty-eight women with infertility randomly allocated into two groups: CBT (n = 34) and control (n = 34) groups. The women in the CBT program were divided into two subgroups of 12 and one group of 10, with each receiving eight therapy sessions (each session lasting 90 minutes). Psychological well-being was measured using a demographic questionnaire and the short-form Ryff Psychological well-being scale. The independent and paired t-tests, Chi-square, repeated measures, and ANCOVA tests were used to analyze the data.
Results: Two women from the CBT and three from the control groups withdrew from the study. In the CBT group, the general psychological well-being score and self-acceptance, positive relationship, autonomy, purpose in life, personal growth, and environmental mastery dimensions’ scores were improved after the intervention. The scores also were significantly higher in the case group than those in the control group (p < 0.001).
Conclusion: Cognitive-behavioral therapy can improve all aspects of psychological well-being, including self-acceptance, positive relationships, autonomy, purpose in life, personal growth, and environmental mastery in infertile women.
Trial registration number: IRCT20190311043019N1.
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