International Journal of Infertility & Fetal Medicine

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VOLUME 10 , ISSUE 2 ( May-August, 2019 ) > List of Articles


Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mother's Education in Terms of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Regarding Pubertal Awareness among School-going Prepubertal Girls

Mariyadhas Irina Jishala, Pavithra Kannan, Krishnaveni Kandasamy, Shanmugasundaram Rajagopal, Sambathkumar Ramanathan

Citation Information : Jishala MI, Kannan P, Kandasamy K, Rajagopal S, Ramanathan S. Evaluating the Effectiveness of Mother's Education in Terms of Knowledge, Attitude, and Practice Regarding Pubertal Awareness among School-going Prepubertal Girls. Int J Infertil Fetal Med 2019; 10 (2):15-20.

DOI: 10.5005/jp-journals-10016-1181

License: CC BY-NC 4.0

Published Online: 16-10-2020

Copyright Statement:  Copyright © 2019; The Author(s).


Aim: Evaluating the effectiveness of mother's education in terms of knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding pubertal awareness among school-going prepubertal girls. Materials and methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was conducted among prepubertal girls studying in the middle school (6th, 7th, and 8th standard). A predesigned questionnaire, which consists of questions to evaluate the knowledge, attitude, and practice on pubertal changes were used for data collection. Information on demographic variables, which include age, class, type of family, education of parents, and sources of information was collected from the participants. In total 450 prepubertal girls, 150 each from state board school, matriculation board school, and central board school, were included in the study. Results: Study resulted that for 52.6% of state board school respondents, the major source of information was siblings, and for 64.6% of matriculation board and 68% of central board respondents, the major source of information was mothers. For state board participants, the mean average level of knowledge was 10%, attitude 23.5%, and practice 16.2%; for matriculation board participants, the mean average level of knowledge was 32.7%, attitude 58.3%, and practice 42.6%; and for central board participants, the mean average level of knowledge was 47.4%, attitude 59.6%, and practice 53.8%. Conclusion: Most of the participants from central board school have good knowledge, attitude, and practice regarding pubertal changes when compared with the state board and matriculation board. The result demonstrated that based on parent's literacy, the knowledge of girls on puberty increases. Creating awareness regarding puberty through health education is very essential to help the adolescent girls to handle sexuality-related issues confidently.

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